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Yolk Egg Face Mask


1 Large Organic Egg

½ Cup Prepared Instant Oatmeal

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil


Mix the three ingredients in a bowl until well blended. Apply on face and neck and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and gently pat your face with a towel. Apply an oil-free moisturizer or a drop of olive oil on the face and neck for extra hydration and balance the pH levels of the skin.


Egg yolk is rich in vitamin A, which is known to fight against acne and prevent future break outs occur. 
Yolk Egg Face MaskVitamin A heals and repairs the skin, helping to produce new skin cells form. The egg yolk is very effective in the fight against acne.

Oats contain healthy fats that provide moisture and hydration to the skin. Oatmeal is a great exfoliant for the skin, eliminating cellular accumulation (dead skin cells) and allow fresh new skin to the surface. They contain saponin which remove dirt, oil and bacteria in the pores without clogging pores, leaving skin radiant long after removing the mask!

Olive oil moisturizes the skin without clogging pores or explode. Olive oil is added to many products of skin care try to add your own facial mask homemade of course!